Tiger & Bunny

Tiger & Bunny ProjectDirect Download Folders
Other Extras

Batch Torrents
1080p & FLAC

Each torrent has all of the latest versions of each episode and every released extra at its respective resolution. Each torrent also includes the resolution-agnostic extras (artwork and scans). The 1080p version also includes all of the FLAC files. Most torrent clients should allow you to deselect the FLAC files for download if you don’t want them.

Codec: 10-bit h.264
1080p: CRF17 (~6.45 Mbps)
720p: CRF16 (~2.97 Mbps)
480p: CRF15 (~1.61 Mbps)

Audio Languages

Codec: AAC-LC
Channels: 2.0
Sampling Rate: 48.0 KHz
Bitrate Mode: Q0.50 (~168 Kbps)

FLAC Audio
Channels: 2.0
Sampling Rate: 48.0 KHz
Bit Depth: 16 bits
Bitrate: ~722/730 Kbps (Japanese/English)

Format: Advanced SubStation Alpha
Track 1: Full Subtitles – Karaoke & Hero Colors
Track 2: Full Subtitles – Plain
Track 3: Theme Song Only Subtitles – Karaoke
Track 4: Theme Song Only Subtitles – Plain

Preview Screenshots
All screenshots are from my 1080p rips. Click on the thumbnails to get the full PNG files.

T&B Preview 01 T&B Preview 02 T&B Preview 03
T&B Preview 04 T&B Preview 05

The source for these rips are the U.S. Blu-rays, that includes the video, audio, and subtitles, except that the theme song Romaji were sourced from multiple sources.

I used a lossless filtering pass for the video where I did some slight anti-aliasing and moderate sharpening. I also did some slight filtering around the frame edges to lessen the brightness spiking that the sharpening emphasized. The 1080p encode is just a straight encode from the lossless pass. The 720p and 480p encodes use Spline36 resizing, and the 480p version has the Rec.709 to Rec.601 colorspace conversion.

Both audio tracks are stereo, 48 KHz, 16-bit DTS-MA tracks on the U.S. Blu-rays. I used eac3to and the Arcsoft DTS decoder. The encoding options are specified above.

The subtitles tracks are both OCRed from the U.S. Blu-rays. I made sure to watch through them to try to catch any errors, but there still may be some. I didn’t change much of the translations, though I did change the name order when Kotetsu’s full name was said. I did quite a bit of retiming, splitting, and recombining of lines. Except for the theme songs, I kept the subs towards the bottom of the screen, sometimes shifting them some to avoid other text or objects on the screen. Also, I kept each speaker to only one displayed line, such that any additional speakers just appear above the first. This is where a lot of the splitting and recombining of lines comes in.

For the subtitle styling, I used Komika as the font. The default subtitles are white with a black border and slightly translucent, dark grey shadow. Each Hero and major antagonist has their own subtitle color combination for the default subtitle track. There is another track that has only the default styling. For the opening theme songs, the colors are based on Tiger and Bunny’s Hero suits in some way. For the ending theme songs, the colors are based on their street clothes. For the first half’s theme song subtitles, the default tracks have a left-to-right fill Karaoke effect for the Romaji. The font used for OP1 is Tempus Sans, and the font used for ED1 is Bell MT. The Karaoke effect for OP2 and ED2 is a syllable-by-syllable color fade. The font used for OP2 is Pristina, and the fonts used for ED2 are Monotype Corsiva and OCR A Extended.

29 Responses to Tiger & Bunny

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, and again Thank you! XD


  2. Rogher says:

    Many thanks.


  3. Thanx-bro says:

    Are u guys Gonna upload the Tiger & Bunny Movie in dual audio, also thanks a lot for uploading the full Tiger & Bunny series.


  4. Ryuka says:

    The name of the font is Ubuntu.


  5. Ryuka says:

    You need to work on your typesetting, but this is good enough.


    • Do you have any particular recommendations? Any suggestions would be welcome. I have a list of things that I would change if I were to ever redo this project (and some general methodology changes for future projects). I didn’t really want to change things in the middle of the project, but I certainly agree that there are some problems. I actually plan to make a post commenting on a lot of the things I would change and wouldn’t mind it becoming a bit of an open discussion.


      • Ryuka says:

        Well, I did a little edit, you can do something like this: http://i.imgur.com/Wsc4zgq.jpg
        You know, use fonts more suitable to the show and all that shit.


      • Well, for the main font at least, I’m pretty sure I want to stick with a comic-style font with the show being about superheroes and whatnot.

        The theme song fonts I just tried to quickly pick some out that I thought worked for the respective song, but I’m much more open to changing those. What font is that by the way?


  6. dr-love55 says:

    Thanks for this cant wait to replace all my DORs with these, Quality is great!


  7. Kyarorain says:

    I’ve been waiting so long for a non-Commie subbed version of Tiger & Bunny, especially with karaoke. Thank you so much for this!


    • Out of curiosity, is there a problem with the Commie subs? I haven’t seen them for this series, and I don’t particularly remember for which series I have seen their subs. I have a tendency to wait for Blu-ray rips of series before watching them, so that might be why. I’ve only seen the Dmonhiro/Zurako subs. Then again, I don’t know what they used as a source, but they do seem oddly similar to the Blu-ray subs that I’m basing mine off.


      • Kyarorain says:

        Well, there was one episode where they left lines untranslated which was apparently because of a Hulu mess up (Commie gets their subs from them) I also kinda have a pet peeve with their not using karaoke. Just little things really…


      • Ah, thanks for explaining.

        I assume that since they used the Hulu subs, they just had whatever lines the Hulu subs had (I could be wrong on that). Since the Blu-rays didn’t have the Romaji, I’m assuming the Hulu subs didn’t either. I’m not sure how available the lyrics for the songs were back then, so I can’t really comment on them not providing Karaoke effects.

        I guess as far as translation goes though, my subs would be about the same since I’m guessing the Blu-ray subs are using a slightly updated script from the Hulu subs. If Dmonhiro also used Hulu as a source, this would explain why their subs are so similar.

        Anyway, most of this is just speculation on my part. I’m sure most of this could be pretty easily confirmed if I really wanted to do the research.


      • Soluna says:

        Actually, Commie doesn’t do karaoke effects. Still, even if their translations/CR-edits are worse than HorribleSubs, I choose Commie over them because they at least provide song translations and usually have better typesetting. (I know I went off on a tangent)


      • Maybe I wasn’t too clear with what I wrote up there. I was trying to rationalize why Commie didn’t have Karaoke effects by considering that the Romaji may have not been readily available at the time. Of course, it was probably just that they were trying to get the subs done quickly.

        As far as tangents go, I have a tendency to go off on them pretty often, so I can’t really complain when other people do. And I wouldn’t consider what you wrote too much of a tangent. It was still related to the discussion of different sub groups.


  8. shaniqua1990@hotmail.com says:



  9. 123 says:

    thank you so much ^__^


  10. Soluna says:

    Argh! I had a lengthy post of gratitude, but I refreshed the page šŸ˜¦ Anyway, I shall give you the condensed version! Thanks for all the work that you have put into this! I really like that you have so many download links; they must have taken a while! I also like that you stylized the subs and added karaoke. I appreciate your work very much!


    • That’s good to hear that you’re liking the subs. That’s really the part that takes the most work. Any feedback is appreciated, such as whether certain parts or any of the character’s styles (Dragon Kid and Rock Bison’s in particular) are hard to read.

      As for the download links, yeah, they can take a while to upload all of them, but I figure having download links will make it such that I don’t need to support my torrents for too long. And I feel more comfortable just replacing the download links if I need to upload a new version than making individual torrents and replacing them.


      • Soluna says:

        Oh, I’m getting it through torrent right now, so I have only watched a few bits and pieces. I can’t make too many comments regarding critique at this point. I guess I shall do downloads as well.


      • Soluna says:

        Alright, I skipped around in a full ep, and I must say that I really like the hero colors idea! The colors match well, and I found them all to be nicely readable I don’t particularly like the font much, but it’s what makes the colors possible and still readable. I’m not a great critic, so please don’t expect much from me lol


      • Well, the colors I could’ve applied to just about any font. I wanted to use a font that matched the feel of the series. Since it’s a series about a bunch of superheroes, I went with a comic-styled font. In hindsight, I probably should’ve made the second, plain subtitle track use a more traditional font that was a bit easier to read. I’ll keep that in mind for any (potential) future projects.


      • Soluna says:

        I didn’t think about that; in light of that, the font choice makes total sense. Yeah the second track would ideally be a serious-looking sans-serif font like Calibri. Well, the fact that you even made a secondary less-stylized track is great!


      • Soluna says:

        Downloaded several eps, and using them to upload for the torrent as well. Again, thanks so much for the release! I shall be back for the batch for the second half!


      • Thanks for doing that. I don’t have a ton of upload bandwidth, so any seeding help is appreciated.


      • Soluna says:

        You’re welcome! I will keep the upload up for a while after I an done It’s the least I can do šŸ™‚


  11. Pingback: Tiger & Bunny #01 All’s well that ends well. | Ninja Panda Anime

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